Battlefield: Bad Company is the latest and greatest online FPS to hit shelves this summer, and lots of people are playing it online right now. It is one of the best games out right now if you enjoy good FPS multiplayer action and don't want to fire up your PC. Personally I play the Xbox 360 version as my friends all play on Xbox Live, but the PS3 version is great as well.
But the reason we are here isn't to hype this game any more than it needs to be - not at all. We are here for one reason, and that is we want to own some noobs in Battlefield: Bad Company. Hell, we don't want to own only noobs, we want to own amateurs, pros, experts and everything in between. Now I am not a total god at this game like some people out there, but I can provide the world with some tricks that I have come across that help me get high scores consistently in Battlefield: Bad Company.
Do you need help in BF:BC? Here are the tips and tricks that will help you win and get huge scores.
- 10. Choose your weapons wisely.
A lot of this game is based on what weapon you use, as each weapon is unique and has their own advantages and disadvantages. Here are my preferences for guns for each of the classes/kits:
Assault: M16A2
Demolition: SPAS-15
Recon: VSS Vintores
Specialist: HK-UMP
Support: MG36
- 9. Grenades are your friend
So many people do not use grenades enough in this game. Grenades are very powerful and can kill from one to five people at once if you hit a good spot. Target spots to focus on when throwing grenades are insides of buildings, on rooftops and of course explosive materials. Throw grenades at the sight of a far away enemy and you will mark him and have the upper hand if you damage him. Use this to your advantage.
Well, you can't exactly go prone in this game, but being in the crouch position is very important. Even when you are being more than a sniper, if you are shooting a rocket at a tank or just firing away at people with your M16 as assault, crouching will increase your accurace and also make yourself a smaller target for anyone shooting at you. Also, crouching is a great way to hide as you are much more likely to be seen standing up.
This game really impressed me when I realized that the characters all blend into the scenery. You should use this
to your advantage and realize when you will be well hidden. When you think you are in an area that is camouflaged and you are playing defense, camp it out and watch the noobs get owned. It's very hard to see pepole if they are hidden amongst grass or next to objects like trees or rocks.
- 6. Play your classes effectively
I see way too many players that will just sit as a sniper the whole game and although they may kill a few people, they are not doing the team any good and they do not achieve a very high score. The same can go for any class, people play as demolition when there are no vehicles around and we need other classes. Basically, to earn lots of points in a game you need to pay close attention to what is needed in the game to really make the team work well. If there are lots of people playing assault, then go as Recon and watch their back as you snipe from a distance. If there are a lot of vehicles and no one is doing anything about it, spawn as Demolition and get some easy points by taking out tanks.
- 5. Learn how to use tanks
Vehicles in this game can be a lot of fun, but many of them aren't worth using. Tanks are a wonderful asset that you should learn how to use and constantly blow people up with. Get into different tanks and try to understand how the different guns on the different tanks work. The light tanks will be faster with lighter armor, and they have a gun that shoots fast less powerful shots. The heavy tank moves slow but is very strong and fires extremely powerful shots less often. I prefer the heavy tank, but both are very good and have their place. So if you see a tank, don't be afraid and hop in!
The specialist class has a C4 type explosive that you can use and that you should get very acquainted with if you want to have a successful Battlefield: Bad Company career. There are many ways to use C4 effectively to get you a lot of points. First off, you can penetrate virtually any wall with a couple C4 blasts to it and get in to a crate to arm an explosive before anyone else is even there. Another good tactic with C4 is to use it on tanks when they are moving or not moving, a lot of people just do not expect it. Finally, planting all of your C4 charges on a Gold Crate will net you a lot of points as you will get points for Objective Damage and Destroying the objective.
It may sound cliche, but find a good group of people to play with. This really can make all of the difference. When me and my friends get a good squad together and play, sometimes we are unstoppable and have every angle covered. You need to have a competent squad where people are willing to play different classes to optimize the team. Hit me up on Xbox live if you want to play sometime, my gamertag is Deathface Jones. We can possibly make a squad together and get a good group going!
If you find yourself getting frustrated because you are continuously getting beaten by other people that seem to be better than you, then just don't let it get to you. The more frustrated you get, the easier it is for the enemy to kill you. This is a classic scenario in any type of PvP, and it applies especially to Battlefield: Bad Company. So do what you have to to keep your cool, relax, take some deep breathes, and get ready to own some face.
- 1. The Mine on the Crate Trick
This really is a dirty trick that works extremely well to rack up points quick. When you are playing as Attacker, spawn as Demolition when you are near the Gold Crate. Get near the Gold Crate and make sure the coast is clear. Start laying all of your mines on/very close to the Gold Crate, and when you run out of mines to lay get back and switch to your rocket launcher. Aim at the mines with your rocket launcher and fire away, and watch the gold crate go down significantly in healthy while you rack up points. From here, just hit the gold crate with your rocket maybe one or two times and you will rack up even more points for destroying
the crate. This trick is great for destroying a gold crate really quickly without alerting the enemy team.
So now that you know the tricks, get out there soldier! I hope to see you on the battlefield, my gamertag on Xbox live is Deathface Jones, if you see me then shout at me or friend me! Feel free to hit me up or leave some comments on what you think.
This is a really great post. Keep on blogging.
Some useful tips for beginners.
p.s. Conquest mode today, woo!
Great blog - quite usefull especially the last one.
Keep it up
really useful tips, i am learning all the time on this game.
unfortunately sometimes by trial and error and a bad kill/death ratio.
thanks for the info.
my favourite class is sniper or specialist.
Never thought of the mines on crate trick, cool. I will be looking you up on Live as I love a good squad. I am in the middle of building a website dedicated to Battlefield Bad Company and it will have some type of process to help us all find competent squad members. You can check out my site under construction at
I enjoy the game, and I'm a PS3 gamer, I first played BC off of an Xbox, but I had to get it for the PS3. I do have to agree with you about all of your points and which map is the Gold Crate on? that's interesting. I just this morning before class, had received my all Bronze Stars, so for playing as much as I can get onto. I tend to play first person shooters the majority of the time I game, but I used to also have a 360 Elite before I liked the graphics better on the PS3. I loved games like Halo, but the great thing about this game is that gravity takes effect. In Halo per se you could shoot someone at the other end of the map with a straight bullet, but with this one, you actually have to judge where the bullet is going to drop. I love that. but yeah, too bad you're not on BC2 for the PS3, when I get a squad on we own face on Hardcore mode.
The Gol is the best sniper rifle, Uzi, is fun for engineer, especially with a Carl Gustav, don't you just love that name. Medic has to be the M249SAW, because any jerk can use the M60, that's an easy gun to use because it has good stability, but the Saw, is just for better players, plus you can spray and play with the rounds like candy. I like using the M-14 and the Thompson with the Medic too, it's great because people don't normally see anyone with a smaller gun, because a LMG can be easily seen.
I don't enjoy the Assult class, but when I do play with that, I use the SPAS-12, great gun.
Have a good one man, great blog. Sorry I took up so much space.
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